The story of Customer Avatar

Yogesh Upadhyay
7 min readMar 14, 2020

Hello guys, Yogesh this side. As you know I am doing an internship with Digital Deepak and I am learning new things from him. So here is an example of it. This article is based on a Digital Deepak internship class 2, based on how you know who is your customer? And how to find your ideal customer. So let’s gain some knowledge about what Deepak teaches in this class. By the way, If you have not read an article in class 1 please read it also. I had share as much value out there.

Before I started, I would say something, as Deepak said when he started the class.

Few of my words-

“Distraction is more harmful to the brain than drugs”.

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Distraction is always harmful to us when we do the work or something. One thing I noticed that when we started doing any kind of work we motivated and thinks that we will complete the work as well. But the time goes up lots of distraction comes and we will fail to complete the work and we get demotivated. So in my concern always focus on one thing at one time, this will help you keep away from distraction.

That’s for my side.

Before getting started I want to request you to see how the customer avatar looks. If you have related to my niche pls take 2 min of your valuable time, and participate in this survey.

Please click the link to see how the customer avatar looks and participate in the survey.

The Golden Triangle

Learn > Do > Teach

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In this golden triangle, when you start to learn something new, things are your entire mind and not cleared until you implement what you learn. And then when you teach what you learn and what you implement, you Understand things in a better way and become a master in it. That’s how this Golden Triangle works.

Mistakes are future Benefits

Mistakes help us gain knowledge. We can gain so much knowledge & experience by making mistakes. Mistakes teach us to clarify what we want and how we want to live. The word mistake derives meaning only by comparison to what we desire, what we see as success. Noticing and admitting our mistakes helps us get in touch with our commitments — what we want to be, do, and have. So if you think that you are the only one who makes mistakes, then you are wrong. Everyone who started with the Zero, they had their own mistakes and they learn from the mistakes and become a success in their life. So don’t afraid to try new things & making mistakes.

Marketing is about good conversations

Marketing is all about how you communicate with people. If you have a skill that you are good at communication or conversation then you can be better in marketing. So if you converse well one to one, you can converse well one too many. If you can not converse well one to one, you can not converse well one too many. To be a better marketer you need to good in conversation, only then you will be explaining what you are marketing or selling.

Be authentic to communicate better

In marketing, if you want to communicate better you need to be real and authentic with the people. Many people in the market make their fack social persona to distract the people and earn money from them. So you need to build your real and authentic persona to build trust then people will communicate with you to see your persona. Always be real, who you are? Don’t try to be a fack. Tell people who you are? What did you expect? and try to build a relationship with the people. Always give as much value as you can give.

Who is a better marketer?

People with more life experience are better marketers. So take more experience and this experience will make you a good marketer. Start traveling, learn new languages, meet new people, interact with them and enhance yourself. Always try to do new things, don’t be afraid of that.

Who is your audience?

If everyone is your audience, then no one is your audience.

To find your right audience you should have a niche. And then you should have to talk to them and build a relationship with them. Now a question comes up your mind. What is a niche and how to find your niche?

This topic I covered in the previous article. Let’s give you a brief idea.

The niche should be a combination of passion, talent, and market opportunity. You have to passion, enjoy doing it, and get better at it, and enjoy doing it even more. To find a niche you should try a hundred things that you love to do. In a hundred things you find what you passionate about or what you love to do. Then you find a market demand for what you love to do. That’s how you choose your niche or find your niche.

When you find your niche then you should create your customer avatar or customer persona to find out who is your target audience.

Customer Avatar

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A customer avatar is a detailed profile of your customer. It focuses on one person and outlines everything about them. It goes in-depth and collects the unique data of your customers. The customer avatar helps us to reach our target customer.

How to define your Target Customer

There are two ways to define your target customer.

1- Demographics

2- Psychographics

In Demographics way you need to list out your avatar’s age, sex, education level, income level, marital status, occupation, religion, and average family size.

In Psychographics way you need to list out your avatar’s values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyle. Examples include: wanting a healthy lifestyle, valuing time with family, the goal of their life.

That’s how you define your customer. Once you find out who is your audience you can easily communicate to them. When you communicate with your audience, always try to converse one to one, connect one in one with them. Your aim as a communicator is, the person has felt that connection that you connect him personly. So when you create content, email, ads or blogs whatever you write you always think about that one particular person that you are writing. That happens when you create your customer avatar and define that properly.

Creating a Customer Avatar

To create your customer avatar you should have a niche. If you don’t have a niche you don’t create your customer avatar. So find your niche first, then you will be able to prepare questions for your audience and make them your customer.

Let’s take my example:

My niche Digital Advertising means I am looking for those people who have their own business and they want to advertise their services and products.

So now my aim is to create a question around this particular niche. The demographics questions would be the same

Here are some examples of mine that showed the result as well.

Here are some examples of Psychographics Questions. These types of basically directed to the niche related. You should do research for creating these types of questions.

So when you create your customer avatar you need to do a survey to find the answer to your questions and know about your customer. This gives you a proper idea of who is your audience or who should you target.

About to End

I hope you will understand all the topics I discussed and gives you a proper idea of how the customer avatar looks like? and how important is it? If you have any doubts about any topic please let me know in the comments section.

Thanks for your valuable time, hope you enjoyed.

Thanks for reading.😊

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Yogesh Upadhyay

Exploring Digital Marketing Since 2019, Practitioner of Facebook Advertising, Media Buyer, Learning Stock Market.